Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Georgia Contractors - What's a Homeowner To Do!

UGH!! I have had the worst luck with Georgia contractors. It started with Mr. Williams who was suppose to paint my house. I never saw such a mess! Paint over all of my plants and shrubs. My deck looking like something indescribable. Unreal.Last year my nephew died - while cooking. Needless to say, there was a lot of smoke damage and the kitchen's linoleum needed repairing so I contacted my insurance company to see if they could get somebody out to repair the damage. I wanted done so when we returned from the funeral, at least some of the reminders of that dreadful day would be gone. Well, because I was rushing, I used Allstate's contractor. I KNOW! Big mistake, because they are only interested in saving the insurance company money - to hell with me who has paid home insurance for years. Anyway, the floor repairs were done "ok" but they totally messed up my cabinets. I had white-white cabinets but when I returned, they were almond. Of course they refused to repaint the cabinets the right color and the insurance company could care less. So now, everything else is white-white in my kitchen and the cabinets are almond. Yes, the cabinet tops are - you got it, white-white! I had to wash down the white kitchen tables and all of the other damaged doors and walls myself. THEY didn't see any smoke damage. In their mind the smoke went straight to the ceiling and didn't touch the walls. So, they painted the ceilings, but not the wall. When I challenged this with the insurance company, they then painted the ceiling and the walls, but not the trim! Can you say EXASPERATING!! Paul Davis Restoration - stay away from them. Even though they knew that my kitchen was white-white they screwed it up and did nothing to make it right.This one is the kicker - in May 2008, year I hired Morningstar Restoration to replace my roof and repair 3 ceilings that were damaged. The roof was finally done in August 2008 and the ceilings were never done. Til today, my ceilings still have water stain and they kept the money the Insurance Company allocated for the ceiling repairs. Now, they called me and told me if I hired a handy man they would return that money to me, but of course they didn't. They kept it so I had to file a complaint with the BBB on them. I also sent all the documents to my nephew, who is a lawyer. All I want is my darn ceilings repaired! Why can't Contractors do what they are paid to do? Are there any contractors in the Atlanta Georgia area that aren't thieves!!!!!!!Well, let's see what happens. It's in my lawyer's hands now. Meanwhile, Ill do everything I can to make sure other consumers are aware of unethical and untrustworthy contractors that I deal with!And me, well, - I jes' keep climbin'

1 comment:

rochjest said...

Greetings Peaches,
I also have a problem with a contractor. My house was hit by a run-away truck in March, 2007. Totaled my car and has done over $65,000 damage to my house. Hired a General Contractor, a franchisee of Paul Davis Restoration June 11th, 2007. My house is still not fixed. Contractor has been a nightmare to deal with. Poor workmanship and job abandonment top my complaints. Workmanship by sub-contractors has been poor. Some work had to be corrected a second time forced by my insurance company for poor workmanship. Abandonment has been worse. I fired Contractor and made a fair offering to him to get out of my house and life. He will not accept offer. Considering hiring an attorney if mediation doesn't solve problem. Any thoughts? I live in Duluth, GA.