Sunday, November 23, 2008

Look Out For Lowes and Bogus Charges!!!

Lowes fell from grace with me years ago but now they are compounding the distaste that comes with their name. They have a $23-$25 balance on my account (and several other consumers according to their representative). Now, I paid them off and cut up the card because I don't like their customer service. Two months after they were paid off, I get a bill. When I call to inquire, the representative checked and noticed I paid the account off early so their was no reason for me to have a charge. Then she said "I have seen quite a few of these come across my desk lately. Give me a minute and I'll handle it". So I waited and she handled it and apologized for their error, blah, blah, blah. The very next month, the same charge shows up again. After looking at the two bills, I notice that they have finance charge of $1.00 on both! So beware! All they need is for 1000 customers to pay this fake $25 balance in one month and they will acquired $25,000 in free money. Get consumers to pay that fake balance for one year and they will have made $300,000.00 in free money - a little over a quarter of a million bucks! Whew!!! Just imagine!
Well, now you have been warned!


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